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1   50 GYOPM II - Surinder Kaur - Suhe Ve Cheere Waliye Request this song Now Song information 50 Glorious Years of Punjabi Music II 2:46
2   Abscond Records - Dj Lyric - Geeta Jaildar - Like A Pimp [Mitran Dhe Naal] Request this song Now Song information Invasion 4:45
3   Ajj Dhamalan Paingian - Durga Rangila - Us Kudi Naal Nachna Request this song Now Song information Ajj Dhamalan Paingian 5:47
4   Aman Dhaliwal - Paraai Request this song Now Song information Dardan Naal Mulaqat 5:34
5   Aman Hayer - Angrej Ali - Je Naal Nachunga Request this song Now Song information Groundshaker 2 4:44
6   Aman Hayer - Angrez Ali - Je Naal Nachega Tu Request this song Now Song information Nachdi De [The EP] 4:44
7   Aman Hayer - KS Makhan - Gabroo De Bullan Utte Request this song Now Song information Nachdi De [The EP] 3:56
8   Aman M - Kaka Bhaniawala - Daaru Naal Yaari Request this song Now Song information The Wrap Up 2011 5:11
9   Aman Riar - Punjab Mere Diyan Gallan Request this song Now Song information Dont Mind 4:22
10   Amar Singh Chamkila & Amarjot - Pehle Lalkare Naal Request this song Now Song information Legends of the Five Rivers CD1 3:28
11   Amar Singh Chamkila & Amarjot - Pehle Lalkare Naal Request this song Now Song information Chamkila Remix Vol 1 3:27
12   Amo R - Amo R - Bhabiye Akh Largayi Request this song Now Song information Wedding Songs CD2 4:00
13   Amrita Virk - Mitthe Mitthe Lareyan De Naal Request this song Now Song information Teriyan Nishaniyan 4:01
14   Angrej Ali - Nachdi De Naal Request this song Now Song information Nachdi De Naal 4:24
15   Arif Lohar - Funny Song Request this song Now Song information 4:34
16   AS Amar & Miss Pooja - Aa Ni Bhaniye Request this song Now Song information Nachdi De Naal 5:38
17   Asa Singh Mastana - Mele Noo Chal Mere Naal Request this song Now Song information Bemisaal 2 3:16
18   Ashok Mastie - Ashok Mastie - Hoya Tere Naal Request this song Now Song information Clap On The Beat 4:47
19   Babbu Mann - Laarian De Naal Request this song Now Song information Pyaas 5:30
20   Balvir Boparai - Dede Gerra USA Freestyle Request this song Now Song information Revolve 2 The Remix 3:56
21   Balwinder - Bhota Jagpal - Sohni Channa Wich Request this song Now Song information Gadian Te Gallan 4:25
22   Balwinder - H Cheema - Lak Lichkaveh Request this song Now Song information Gadian Te Gallan 4:47
23   Balwinder - Hunterz - Sohni Channa Wich (Urban Mix) Request this song Now Song information Gadian Te Gallan 5:14
24   Balwinder - Kami K - Lambaran Di Betak Request this song Now Song information Gadian Te Gallan 3:41
25   Balwinder - Kami K - Mere Yaar Leja Mera Pyar Request this song Now Song information Gadian Te Gallan 4:32
26   Balwinder - Nin Matharu - Gadian Te Gallan Request this song Now Song information Gadian Te Gallan 3:55
27   Bhangra Blowout 2 - Geeta Jaildar - Mitran De Naal Request this song Now Song information Bhangra Blowout 2 4:02
28   Bhangra Blowout 2 - Kulwinder Dhillon - Hik De Zor Naal Request this song Now Song information Bhangra Blowout 2 3:30
29   Bhangra Blowout 2 - Laddi Bath - Tere Naal Nachna Request this song Now Song information Bhangra Blowout 2 3:33
30   Bhinda Aujla - Do Gallan Pyar Diyan Request this song Now Song information Jatta Ayee Vaisakhi 5:39
31   Bhupinder Gill & Miss Neelam - Bhabhiye Ni Request this song Now Song information Gallan Mithian 5:27
32   Bhupinder Gill & Miss Neelam - Gallan Mithian Request this song Now Song information Gallan Mithian 5:20
33   Bhupinder Gill & Miss Neelam - Modhe Maarda Request this song Now Song information Gallan Mithian 5:12
34   Bikram Singh - Mere Naal Nach Request this song Now Song information Bik.I.Am 4:28
35   Bikram Singh - Mere Naal Nach Request this song Now Song information Bik.I.Am 3:49
36   Bollywood Djs - RDB & Geeta Jaildar - Mitra De Naal Request this song Now Song information Bhangra 101 Session 2 4:37
37   Bukan Jatt - Dunaali Request this song Now Song information Rang Jawani De 5:10
38   Buta Mohamad & Manpreet Akhtar - Taan Chatri Request this song Now Song information Yaara Naal Bahara in 2011 CD2 3:45
39   Dard Judaai Da 7 - Babbu Maan - Lareyan De Naal Request this song Now Song information Dard Judaai Da Vol. 7 (Jihne Sada Dil Todeya) 5:33
40   Debi Makhsoospuri - Beperwaha Request this song Now Song information Tere Naal Pyar 7:08
41   Debi Makhsoospuri - Bhabiye Request this song Now Song information Tere Naal Pyar 4:16
42   Debi Makhsoospuri - Jihdey Mulk Viahi Request this song Now Song information Tere Naal Pyar 5:39
43   Debi Makhsoospuri - Mere Naal Rahi Request this song Now Song information Yaadan 5:05
44   Debi Makhsoospuri - Mere Naal Rahi Request this song Now Song information Yaadan 5:05
45   Debi Makhsoospuri - Punjab Dian Gallan Request this song Now Song information Yaarane 5:31
46   Debi Makhsoospuri - Punjab Diyan Gallan Request this song Now Song information Mehboob 5:31
47   Deep Jandu & Jay Deala - Sheran Naal Yaari Request this song Now Song information Nach 4:52
48   Deepi - Daru Naal Request this song Now Song information Panjabi City 2 4:17
49   Deepi - Daru Naal Request this song Now Song information Kokka 5:11
50   Desi Crew & Miss Rupinder Simi - Mere Naal Duet Request this song Now Song information Solid II 3:25
  ( Showing 1 to 50 of 291 )   Next >>
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